Sunday, June 10, 2012


A recent post on The Well Armed Woman Facebook page on “Why we carry a firearm” created quite a stir and evoked an awesome amount of passion. One word kept smacking me in the face. That word was TRUTH. What frustrates the law abiding, good American citizen is the avoidance and mistreatment of what is the truth in the typical anti-gun conversation.  
Not all of the words below are mine, but I will write them in the first person,  as my reasons for carrying a firearm are the truth for me personally. Therefore no one can argue with me as what is true for me, is mine alone. However, I do not own these truths, they are not new and I know that for millions of firearm owners these truths are what lies at the heart of their choice to arm themselves. 

“Truth is tough.  It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch, nay, you may kick it all about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening.”  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Who can argue with the truth? If we align ourselves and can clearly communicate what is true then it perhaps becomes more difficult for those that simply want to argue. To effectively explain our choices, we must arm ourselves with articulate words of truth and then, simply stand on them.  
I don’t carry a gun because I want to shoot people, I carry a gun because I refuse to be a victim. 
I don’t carry a gun because I hate the government, I carry a gun because I realize the limitations of government to protect me. I carry for emergency self defense when there are no better options left.
 I don’t carry a gun because I am paranoid, I carry a gun because sadly there are very real threats all around me.
I don’t carry a gun because I am an evil person, I carry a gun because I’ve lived long enough to see the evil in this world and to accept that I am prey to those who are evil.
I don’t carry a gun to compensate for anything, I carry a gun to equalize the battlefield. My physical size and strength can’t even come close to that of an attacker.
I don’t carry a gun because I am angry, I carry a gun so I don’t ever have to hate myself for not being prepared and protecting myself or those I love.
I don’t carry a gun because I love it, I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.
I don’t carry a gun to scare people, I carry because I am trained to do so, safely.
I carry my gun, because it is my right to do so... responsibly. 

“If one tells the truth, one is sure sooner or later to be found out” Oscar Wilde


  1. I so agree with you Carrie ....

  2. Well written... This is how I feel too... Thank you...

  3. Thank you for sharing the truth. Sherry Knowlton

  4. keys words responsibly and protect. Well said

  5. well put Carrie. My truth is also the same. Seeing the evils of this world, i know what i must do to protect myself, my loved ones and those who are not able to. My size and ability to do it without some form of deffense is another reason, 5'7", 120 lbs is no match for an abuser or a crazed criminal. I've got to equalize with whatever means i can. Be it a gun, a bat, or a fryin' pan! I value the life GOD gave me and no one has the right to harm me.

  6. Well said! I agree 100%. As a smaller woman I need to be able to protect myself, and if I choose to do that with a gun, then that is what I choose. As long as I am RESPONSIBLE when carrying my weapon and storing my weapon and I only use it IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, then that makes me a responsible gun owner.

  7. To be truthful one must use the proper terms. Years ago in the army a soldier was in deep trouble using any other term than "weapon" when referring to what people so casually call "guns". That left a lasting impression on me. Using proper terms puts things in the proper context. So where were all those weapon carrying folks the other night in Colorado? For all the talk seems like they are never around. Me personally I don't carry a weapon and am not planning to. If you want to that's fine, just understand what you are carrying.

    1. I don't know the gun laws in Colorado, but it seems to me that at one time it was legal to carry openly. Here in Georgia it's concealed carry for hand guns but you can carry a rifle openly in a sling behind the driver of a pick-up truck. And I, too, wonder where all the weapons were that night in Colorado. A young audience so blissful and oblivious to possible danger around every corner? I bet we see an upsurge in the sale of all sorts of weapons now.

    2. I'm an OLD Jarhead, I carry a firearm when I go out of the house. It is a gun in most peoples minds, and a weapon when used for an attack or self defense. I carry for self defense. It is a firearm until I use it for it's intended purpose.

    3. As far as I understand, Colorado is a pro gun state. But that city where the murders happened is strongly anti gun and the theater was a no gun area.

    4. There were no guns because the theater has a policy of no guns allowed. The law abiding citizens followed the policy and didn't bring their guns inside, the person intent on killing people in that theater obviously didn't give a crap about a no gun policy. Criminals have a tendency to not care about things like rules and laws, which is why "no gun zones" only empower those hellbent on committing crimes because they know they'll meet no resistance since they'll be the only ones armed.

    5. There were no guns because the theater has a policy of no guns allowed. The law abiding citizens followed the policy and didn't bring their guns inside, the person intent on killing people in that theater obviously didn't give a crap about a no gun policy. Criminals have a tendency to not care about things like rules and laws, which is why "no gun zones" only empower those hellbent on committing crimes because they know they'll meet no resistance since they'll be the only ones armed.

  8. This life that was given to me is sacred and deserves to be defended. The lives of my children are more sacred than my own, to me, and I would fight to the death to defend them. My chances of survival, and theirs, are much better when I have a tool adequate to the job. For me, that would almost always mean my gun, among any other weapon(s) necessary.

    1. Amen! couldn't have said it better myself.

  9. My dear friend and her 2 beautiful little girls was murdered by her husband and their father on April 12th of this year. If she would of had her concealed carry I feel they would all be alive today but unfortunately there are many that are terrified of guns. This is so very sad.

  10. oh and I have my concealed carry and there is not a soul alive that would threaten myself or my family with harm. I will exercise my rights!!

  11. Love it! Couldn't have said it any better!

  12. If I had known about concealed carry, in 1977, I would not have been raped and miscarried the rapist's child.

  13. The fourth truth struck me the hardest and describes me best. Be vigilant not a vigilanty!

    DBG US Army Retired

  14. Nice post, Thanks for sharing the truth which is interesting while reading. Keep me more updates.

    firearm safety course

  15. Additional reason to carry (or own) a gun: because it's something a responsible, caring individual can do to reduce crime in his or her community.

  16. The instructor at my concealed carry class said something that was very profound to me. He said, "Those of us who carry are the meekest people in the group (meek meaning quiet strength, not weak). We have a responsibiity to walk away from conflict if we can, stand our ground if we can't and use the least amount of force necessary to defend ourselves and those around us. If that requires using our firearm, so be it, but be VERY SURE you have NO OTHER OPTION."


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