Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I have a confession to make. Publicly before all of you.   

I name my guns... 
I KNOW I must be the only one who does this strange thing. To go through the process of naming my guns, similar to that of when naming my children is bazaar, and probably means I need to go see a mental heath counselor. Right? I mean, no one in their right mind would give a name to a firearm. Why do I do that you ask? I am not sure I have the answer. 
This strange urge overpowered me in the gun store purchasing my first gun. He was beautiful, as soon as I put on the special grips, he had a name. 

“Black Pearl” a Kimber Tactical Ultra Carry .45. He became in that moment. I knew I had an “issue” by the look on the salesman’s face. I figured this experience was just because it was my first gun, and that I would quickly return to normal. But then this same strange impulse came over me again as I purchased my second handgun, this time, a female a Kahr P.380 who is now affectionately known as “Black Rose”. 

I couldn’t help myself. I knew I had a serious problem when it happened yet again.  “The Empress” a stunning engraved Ruger SP101 .357 who certainly has all of the attributes of her name joined my collection. 

How did I know if they were male or female? After all, there are no “parts” that tell us which gender they are. Guns just have a way of being male or female as soon as they enter your hand for the first time and it happens with long guns too! My Beretta Urika 12 gauge shotgun is named Bear.


Yes there are more, many more but what is the point of airing all of my dirty laundry in front of you, you get the point. 
Can you help me? Is there a cure?  Perhaps I am not the only one who suffers with this urge. Have any of you suffered with this habit? Would you be so courageous to stand with me and confess?


  1. I think it's perfectly normal. I've always named my cars and everyone thinks I'm weird for doing so. It's funny, I was just thinking this past weeked of coming up with names for my guns :-) Great minds.....

    1. I knew I wasn't the only one! Check out The Well Armed Woman facebook page. there were two long streams over naming my latest addition and there were so many great names. Maybe you will be inspired!

  2. I have to confess.. I have not..LOL. But I do know of others that have. I have seriously considered naming my Stoeger, Shep. I told you in my email he was so instrumental in me shooting,(And the one man my father asked advice in picking out my shotgun). I feel even after he passed.. he was/is always with me. What better way to honor him? I don't think you're strange for doing so :)

  3. Your story about Shep was really touching. I think you should name your Stoeger after him, very fitting. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I name my guns too. It looks like I'm in good company :]

  5. I name mine too. Miss Kitty is my S&W M&P 9mm. Why? Because like her namesake on Gunsmoke, Miss Kitty is a beauty, but takes no nonsense from anyone.

  6. Great Name Wendy. She deserves respect!! Thanks for sharing.

  7. My girls are Glory and Baby. ;-) Naming them has made them mine and makes them different from all the other like them out there.

  8. You are in good company. I just got my first pistol yesterday, a beautiful Glock 19 (if a Glock can be beautiful, this one certainly is)! I have named her Liberty, because that is what she stands for. But she also had to have a middle name, because she is VERY proper. Liberty Helga; Helga is after Gason Glock's ex-wife. There now, you don't seem so weird after all!

    1. Yes, YOUR Glock is beautiful Leah! I love that you named her after something so significant. Liberty. I never thought of a middle name before - but you know, it makes sense and is "proper". Glad to know I am not weird. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Sounds like I'm in good company too. Ruggie, Mark and now one more, maybe Annie. -- The defenders are personal, just like the best guard dog and each deserves it's own name.

    1. You are right, our defenders are our defenders and it is personal. I love your comparison to our faithful canine protectors. I spoke of the "relationship" we have with our guns in my article Love is a many splendored thing... I think we need to see it that way.

  10. I have sort of named a few of mine. You are hardly weird at all. I am sure many of us do it. Mine are usually more of a nickname to identify them so when I talk to my hubby about one or another, he knows the one I mean. He never seemed to think much of it! LOL! I tend to be unisex tho, but a few do have a sex if you will. I never thought much of it frankly, until I saw you post this! LMAO ;)

    1. Thanks Jeni, I think there are likely many "closet namers" out there :). I'm glad to be in such fine company..

  11. I haven't named mine but only because I haven't thought of it. I love the idea and am going to name mine! Of course, hubby will shake his head and have to tell the gang at his work. They call me "special". ;)

    1. That's great Irene! You must post what you name your gun!! You might get a few funny looks but the odds are they have a few "manly" names of their own!!!

  12. You aren't alone. I own two scimitars and both had their names jump into my head when I first laid eyes on them. George is my first scimitar, and the nearest to my heart. His big sister Morrigan followed some years later. Yes, she is younger, but as a Moorish scimitar, she is more than twice George's size and thus is the big sister.

    My Sig Sauer doesn't yet have a name, but she's definitely female. The Glock 17 is all boy. I'm all female but I certainly do love my weapons. I show them I care by treating them with lots of TLC and respect.

    1. Isn't it funny how they just are male or female and have distinctive "personalities". We talk about them as if they were our children.. I am glad I am not alone in this odd world!!

  13. Yes, indeed I have names for all my guns. My very first one was of a lower Cal. A Sig 22mm Mosquito. So I can have the kids and even me own Mum join me from time to time and not have it be too much fire for them. well, It's not a name I care to repeat in polite company but it is what it is "The Pink Pussy" as I have it painted pink. My others bear such names as Billy William, slugger and a couple yet to be fired to feel their personality. I'm leaning on "Mama" for my Pink 38 Special.

  14. LOL! I have named all my guns too. I don't know why I have done it either.

  15. It's not at all strange to name your guns.

    Some of mine have names. I have Little Miss Springfield (my Springfield Champion, which is my everyday carry gun) and Ladysmith (my S&W Model 60LS snubby revolver). Not very inspired naming, I admit, but they work. And all of my guns seem to be female.


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