Monday, June 24, 2013

You know you’re a Well Armed Woman When.....

Yes, another Jeff Foxworthy take off, but I just could’t resist. The responses to this “fill in the blank” astonished me. Most made me laugh out loud while others made me realize just how significant it is to be A Well Armed Woman. There were hundreds and hundreds of responses and the task of selecting just a few to share with you was daunting.  I would have loved to share them all with you, but here we go...

You know you’re a Well Armed Woman When..............

Keeping the muzzle pointed in a safe direction has nothing to do with your German Short Haired Pointer!!!

Your husband is using the 409 cleaner and you tell him to keep his finger off the trigger unless he is ready to fire.

You know what frog lube is!!!
When digging in the bottom of your purse for change, you pull out a handful of stray spent casings from the range.

You have more guns then shoes!

22-9-45-38 are not your lottery picks!!!

You walk into the gun store and everyone knows your name.

The guns you got in the divorce were yours to begin with.

Wearing purple makes you feel like you should be at the range.

If you’re now on YouTube more than your teenager.

Your kitchen is a mess but your ammo is stacked neatly & arranged by caliber & load.

When remembering your “First Time” has a whole other meaning...

You turn on the blow dryer and wonder if you need hearing protection.

Your idea of feminine protection isn't Tampax.

When you have a holster to match each outfit.

Your husband's friends call  to ask YOUR advice on gun purchases and shooting drills.

When your husband leaves for deployment and tells you to defend this house and family if needed.

You are not afraid to enter a gun shop and buy ammo BY YOURSELF...

You prefer Hoppes #9 to Chanel #5

You shop & dine where it's legal to carry.

When you don't have any more room in your gun safe!

You'd rather go to the range than to the mall.

Your husband thanks you for protecting him all day.

When you prevent yourself from being the victim.

Your carjacker runs!

 I read all of these wonderful answers and celebrate the fact to SO MANY WOMEN are gun-savvy and carrying nowdays.

Yes, this is fun stuff but the thought of so many women, living their lives with the knowledge and skill to protect themselves is really profound. Just think about it - if  women could be armed in every sense of the word to defend themselves, just how different things would be.  

So, how would you finish this statement? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer Concealed Carry for Women

In Arizona, our temperatures have already hit 100!  The hot weather of summer can make concealed carry quite a challenge. For many of you, you also have humidity to deal with! Unfortunately, for many women this results in leaving their gun at home. Our need to protect ourselves does not go down in the summer, we must find ways to carry in every season.

I wish I had the one true simple fix for you, but I don't. Here however are some things that can help you better and more comfortably conceal as the temperatures increase and your clothing decreases!!

Remember though, there are times, as an armed woman, you will have to make some adjustments and sacrifices to accomplish carrying effectively and safely all of the time. There is no perfect solution and the bottom line may be you must make some changes. The only other option is to not carry, likely not what you want.  

Go Looser and Longer
Thankfully, light, loose and whispy doesn't ever go out of style. Looser, lighter clothing is not only more comfortable, it is cooler too as it allows the air to circulate and keep things cool! Wear a long cotton shirt with your summer shorts/skirts to easily conceal your in the waist or on the belt holstered gun. Wear patterned shirts and dresses. The pattern helps to help to minimize the appearance any "bulge".  The Betty is a great in the pants holster in any season. Its minimal design means less stuff in your pants. The Magnetic is a very popular holster for the simple reason it requires no belt or heavy waist band to secure itself to the waistband. If wearing summer dresses, the bra holsters (mentioned above) are a good bet along with  the Pistol Wear Under arm and the Ultra Under arm, both made with great breathable fabrics and are another great choice.

Betty Holster shown   betty karh in use 3cropped resized 600
Betty holster shown above

Go Deeper
Summer weight pants, shorts and skirts means lighter and weaker waistbands which can make on the waist or in the pants carry very difficult. Try a holster that isn't dependent on the waistband such as the Pistol Pouch which "buries" the firearm down on the pelvic area. This is a cotton holster with a thin band that is worn around your hips.  Your belly band worn low and on your hips can also be a solution, but tend to be a bit warmer because of the elastic. Both bra holsters, the Flashbang and the Marilyn are also good choices. The Pistol Wear Under Arm  and Ultra Under Arm holsters also are great "deep" choices. Keep in mind however that going deeper brings with it some challenges, mainly accessing your gun quickly and safely. Practice these draws regularly with your unloaded gun. Carrying your firearm off body should be your last choice. Carrying in a concealed carry purse introduces much greater levels of risk and provides access to your gun that no one should have. The utmost care MUST be taken when doing so. 

pwunder arm front 3photo  pw in use 2 web
Pistol Wear Under Arm Holster shown above

Go Smaller
Although not the ideal solution, as we don't want to give up firepower if we don't have to, carrying a smaller gun in the summer months is an option and is better than not carrying any gun at all. if you can afford a second gun, the very small and compact semi-automatics and lightweight revolvers are very easy to hide. Some are now so slim that they don't create a bulge, and who needs more of those?? You may want to research the available holsters for these models prior to purchasing to make sure the type of holster you want/need to wear is available for it. One important thing to be aware of is that the smaller, lighter guns will have quite a bit more recoil to contend with. They simply don't have the weight and size necessary to absorb it, so that means your hand an arm do!!!

Beretta Nano
Pico 0057

Perhaps you have some things that have worked for you that are not covered here. Please feel free to post them.

Stay cool ladies and stay safe!